The Turtles

Do Jellyfish Make Turtles High?

Do Jellyfish Make Turtles High?

Have you ever wondered, Do Jellyfish Make Turtles High? Many people find this question interesting. Sea turtles and jellyfish often meet in the ocean, but do jellyfish make turtles feel strange? Let’s explore this fun question and find out what really happens when turtles eat jellyfish. Turtles and Jellyfish in Their Natural Habitat In the […]

How Long Can a Turtle Go Without Eating?


Have you ever wondered “How Long Can a Turtle Go Without Eating?” Turtles are pretty amazing when it comes to how they handle not having food. They have special ways to survive without eating for a while. In this blog, we will explore how long different turtles can go without food, how their cold-blooded nature […]